Thursday, September 15, 2011

Writing is hard and having an old dog sucks....

I know I have not posted anything since the 1st post.  In my head I had an idea of how the blog posts would go; Meet Penni, Meet Torii, etc.....and then start with the stories.  But it has proved more difficult than originally thought.  So after writing numerous drafts I have let go of my idea on how the blog "should be" and have just posted what is happening with the dogs.  Eventually you'll get the "meet" posts, but for now here's what's happening in their world......

The other morning I woke up to a really strange noise coming from the loft.  It wasn't Torii's usual banging around (she likes to roll around and pile-drive her bones/dog bed to mark them in hopes Kofi will leave them's not effective).  I went upstairs to look around not knowing what to expect and found..................A HOLE IN THE CARPET.  We are talking wall-to-wall carpet, not an area rug.  So now on top of all the other things we have to fix/replace in the house we get to add carpet in the loft to the list.  Unless I am winning the lottery sometime soon this is not happening for a while.  I am debating whether or not I should move a bookcase or piece of furniture on top of it to hide it.  It pisses me off every time I go in the loft.

Torii has never really accepted the fact that I am part of the household.  She was here 1st.  Steve is her person.  If I packed up the baby, Penni and Kofi and left her alone with Steve she would be in heaven.  But she is the best guard dog EVER.  And for that I put up with her not listening to me and over-all snootiness to all but Steve.  As she has gotten older she has had some issue with bladder control and regular old dog maladies; new food, bad kidneys, etc.  Unfortunately her disposition has also gotten worse.  She is an old cantankerous girl.  All of this I can deal with.  She is old.  She gets a pass......until she ripped up the carpet.

As I write this it's really apparent how old she is and how sad this makes me.  Despite her dislike of me she is a wonderful dog.  She is loyal, protective and intelligent.  She is amazing to watch out in the woods when she has a chance to hunt something down.  She is the only dog who I know would defend our home while the other run away.  She has her quirks like all dogs, but I really do love her and will miss her when she leaves us.  I hope that all the changes we have been making in her diet help her live a longer, happy life.  She truly is one of the best dogs we will ever own.

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