Monday, November 7, 2011

I need a "for Dummies" book

I have story ideas.  I have multiple people interested in illustrating.  I thought all that was required was a story board with the illustrations I like and send it out.......not so much.  One of these talented artsy people in my life informed me that if you send them the book with the illustrations and they don't like the whole package they just disregard it.  This info along with the more reliable (i think it's reliable....i HOPE it's reliable) info on the Internet is scaring me.....not giving up, just letting the reality settle in.

SO.  Based on the research I have done I need to submit a manuscript with a cover letter following each individual publisher guideline.  AND then wait for 2-3 months....yes months.  Which on one hand makes it easy because I am not a great artist so it takes the pressure off choosing illustrations from people that I really like and don't want to hurt feelings.  But on the other it's like applying for college again.  PRESSURE.

But on to doggie news:

All the rain we had and all around yucky weather made for a stand-off between Kofi, Steve and me.  He hates the rain and is actually somewhat of a prissy dog when it comes to weather.  So he decided he was not going to do what dogs are supposed to do and go to the bathroom in the woods......he preferred the loft.  He would walk around FOREVER (sometimes over an hour) outside and as soon as we got inside he would run upstairs and go.  The loft has been taking a beating from the hounds as Torii took out her frustrations on the carpet and now Kofi has been using it as a bathroom....thank goodness for my rug shampooer.  We will still be replacing the carpet as we are not fans of carpet and the hole, but at least it isn't riddled with e.coli and other bacteria.  But back to Kofi, we have fighting this battle with him for over a month, not letting him inside until he goes, not letting him upstairs, etc and finally he gave in.  I am happy to report that Kofi has not gone in the house in 1 week (writing this I realize how pathetic this is, but it's a victory in my mind).

What makes this even more funny to me is that we are really encouraging the potty with Hank right now and he picked out a book called "The Prince and the Potty" at the library that has a Prince who won't use a potty but then changes his mind when he gets a puppy and the puppy goes in the "potty" Hilarious.....but I am thinking I need to work on a potty related book.......